Thursday, March 1, 2012

I love to discriminate! - By Matty Jacobson

Matty Jacobson is owner of the soon-to-be
trademarked "The Skewed Review." He is
looking for writers who would like to
contribute to the news and entertainment
 commentary website. But he is
 definitely allowed to discriminate
 against writers if they're straight.
Thanks, Utah Legislature!

This is the fifth year Utah's politicians have blocked a bill that would make it illegal for employers or landlords to discriminate against a person because of his or her sexual orientation or gender identity.

I've got my fingers crossed that they continue to keep SB51 from becoming law.

As soon as "The Skewed Review" becomes a full-on news and entertainment website with contributing reporters and coast-to-coast syndication, I plan on hiring the best bloggers available to make it one of the most legitimate sources for snark on the Internet.

But I don't feel like hiring any straight people.

Am I being discriminatory against heterosexuals? Well, yes, I suppose I am. But luckily for me, that's totally legal in Utah.

However, if you think I shouldn't be able to discriminate against someone just because of heterosexuality, then you've got a review coming your way. You get from now until November to get registered to vote and get rid of all the legislators who voted to allow me to hire only gay people.

By the way, if you feel uneducated about this, maybe you should head on over to Equality Utah's website where they've got the whole SB51 logistics laid out for you.


  1. So to write for you, I have to change my lifestyle around?

    Damn it, I was really hoping I could keep on oogling women.

  2. Yup. You'd better buy a copy of "The Wizard of Oz," start watching Bravo TV, and make sure your shoes always match your belt, because I'm only looking for the queeniest. Until a law passes that says otherwise, I'll be discriminating to my heart's content!


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