Monday, July 2, 2012

War. Good God. What Is It Good For? Money! - By Mark Schurr

Mark Schurr is a contributor to
The Skewed Review.

War benefits sadistic CEOs of certain companies, breeds injustice and prejudice, and promotes mass rape.

“Peace sells, but who's buying” are lyrics from the band Megadeth, which resonate the awful truth of war.

American companies account for more than 60 percent of arms sales revenue according to the Huffington Post, "Companies Profiting The Most From War: 24/7 Wall St."

The U.S. has 44 of the top 100 companies profiting from the former Iraq and current Afghan war. Since 2001, the U.S. has spent more than $6 trillion (a trillion is a million millions) on war and preparation. Talk about taking money to make money!
The Bill Quigley article, Corporations Profitfrom Permanent Warreveals excellent information about the Middle East debacle. American companies such as Lockheed Martin provide hi-tech aircrafts (among other infinite evils to mankind) to bomb Middle Eastern women, children and some insurgents. Boeing helps transport young men and women to their deaths, injuries or mental health problems.
Lockheed Marin and Boeing are the top two American and over all companies in the world profiting from the current war in the Middle East.
Many of the U.S. military personnel indeed come back from the former Iraq and current Afghanistan war unscathed. Nonetheless, more than 6,500 U.S. soldiers have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2003, according to
More than 32,200 Americans have been wounded according to a June 21 New York Times article
How many U.S. troops have posttraumatic stress disorder (Shell Shock) from the Iraq and Afghanistan war since 2003 alone? 

PTSD may occur because soldiers see fellow troops being blow to pieces on a land mine. Another cause for PTSD might happen when soldiers witness their platoon gang raping and killing underage Middle Eastern girls. 

A rare documented case of such a heinous crime occurred in the town of Yusufiya, about 20 miles south of Bagdad in 2006. Four U.S. soldiers raped a 14-year-old Iraqi girl, then killed her along with her mom, dad and her five-year-old sister.

The details in the article are much more horrific.

I believe much more of these inhumane crimes continue on, but the balderdash of our government shrouds us all.

"Deadly Indifference," a novel by accredited writers Michael D. Brown and Ted Schwarz, claim there are currently more than 50 wars on Earth right now, and I believe it.

Anderson Copper from CNN reported about the Congo War in a January 2008 as a "War Against Women." The written part of this report details the brutal vicious gang rape of an African woman and the murder of her little brother. Simply horrid. 

In a 10-year span alone, hundreds of thousands of African women have been raped, most of them gang raped in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Vividly invidious details of any war could be illustrated these days.

If you haven't guessed, I don't have much faith in world government. Liquid lunacy fills the goblet of political greed and wets the lips of the unethical, which bleeds into the innocent. World leaders are harbingers of havoc and apprentices of apathy.

To me, all wars, past and present, thrive on the distribution of destruction. One nation, under a nefarious government, thrust into its lies and bred to consume.

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